Matarau School achieves 5 Year ERO Review
Highlights from Report…
Matarau School provides very good educational opportunities for students from Years 1 to 8. Most students have NZ European/Pākehā heritage and more than a quarter of students are Māori. Students, staff and parents are proud of their school and of the strong relationships forged with their community. They appreciate the school’s commitment to live its mission statement for students to know self, to feel valued and to learn.
The school promotes inclusive and welcoming approaches for all students and their whānau, and especially for students with special educational needs.
Teachers focus on promoting students’ confidence as learners and leaders in different ways throughout the school. Students are friendly and kind to each other. They have positive relationships with their principal, teachers and other adults in the school. These aspects, combined with the generational connections that some parents have to the school, promote students’ sense of belonging to their school and their engagement in learning.
The school environment is attractive and well maintained. Classrooms are well resourced and include good access to digital technologies for students and staff throughout the school.
The board of trustees ensures adequate provision of digital devices so that all students have access for learning. School-wide teaching and learning programmes are based on sound educational philosophy that promotes student-centred learning.
The 2012 ERO report identified that the school had many strengths in areas of governance, leadership, teaching and learning, and in promoting positive outcomes for students. These strengths continue to be evident in the school.
The school uses achievement information very well to make positive changes to learners’ engagement, progress and achievement. The school recognises and responds very well to children’s wellbeing to support and promote their engagement and learning. Students and staff value and celebrate each others’ unique strengths, differences and successes.
Children with special educational needs, including those with specific gifts and talents, are very well catered for.
School leaders, staff and the board of trustees provide solutions-based strategies to promote positive outcomes for students.
Most students, including Māori students, throughout the school achieve at or above the National Standards in reading, writing and mathematics. All students are very well supported to make significant progress during their years at the school.
School leaders and teachers are continuing to find ways to strengthen opportunities for students to learn about Māori language, culture and the world from a Māori perspective. Students appreciate the many varied co-curricular experiences on offer at the school, and ably fulfil leadership roles. Students experience calm and focused learning environments. Classrooms are attractive, celebrate children’s work and provide good prompts for student learning.
The school is highly committed to, and strongly supports, educational success for Māori, as Māori. Most Māori students at the school and their whānau affiliate to Nga Puhi. Since 2012 the school has made significant improvements to promote educational success for Māori, as Māori that include: establishing a whānau focus group that promotes partnerships and consultation with whānau Māori and the wider Māori community making connections with the local Ngararatunua Marae sharing with students and parents the local history and significance of Māori hapū and iwi in the local area increasing the respect shown to te reo Māori me nga tikanga throughout the school including Māori cultural practices such as powhiri, waiata and haka in school events and productions. These developments have resulted in Māori students having increased pride in their language, culture and identity. The confidence of Māori students to stand as leaders in the school has also increased as a result.
The school is signatory to the Code of Practice for the Pastoral Care of International Students (the Code) established under section 238F of the Education Act 1989. The school has attested that it complies with all aspects of the code. At the time of this review there were four international students attending the school. Students are well integrated into school life and go through a good induction process. Students receive strong emotional support. There is a strong culture of inclusion in the school. Friendships are encouraged and in and out of school time. A buddy system is in place to help them settle. International students benefit from a wide range of opportunities, including sport, outdoor pursuits, cultural experiences and sound academic programmes.
For a copy of the full review, please download
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