Discovery Time – Junior

Here at Matarau school we have great opportunities. One of witch is in the Junior school, it is called Discovery Time. this is when the teachers in Junior RReport 1   ooms 1,2,3,4,5,6 set up actives for the Juniors to do.

A lot of the activities are hands on, such as one I saw when I was up there there where kids were making a bird-eye-view of a town which I must say looks pretty cool.

Another thing that they did is a tower made out of milk bottle tops!! I think that if you sent your kids here they would love it!Report 3Report 4Report 2


By | 2015-12-09T10:15:20+00:00 9th December 2015|Classes, Journalism Group, Junior Syndicate, Middle Syndicate, Room 10|0 Comments

About the Author:

Mr D is a teacher at Matarau School who is very proud of the children we teach. With a love of IT and sharing of work, the website hopefully will be a hub of activity!

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